Planting Your Christmas Tree

by Greenhouse / Production Department November 22, 2016

Planting Your Christmas Tree

After a drastic slow down in residential tree planting (likely economically driven) it seems the trend is back. Stan's has seen a spike in tree sales two years in a row and looks to continue that trend into 2017. 

That being said, it is a common question to ask about a living Christmas tree that can be planted in the landscape as opposed to a cut tree. This is a great idea but it's necessary to have the facts if you are going to be successful.   

It is actually quite simple to care for the tree properly to ensure it's effective transplant. Almost every failure is due to the lack of one key piece of information. Your tree does NOT want to be indoors. I'll give you a very quick botany lesson to explain. Although evergreen trees appear to always retain their needles and deciduous trees appear to go bare once a year your evergreen goes through the same seasonal cycle that a Maple tree might. It takes the shorter, cooler days to slowly inform the tree that winter has arrived. This slow process causes the tree to abort some needles from past years and retain the newer ones for next springs growth. The tree also slows it's functions and goes functionally dormant. (hibernates). 

So to use this tree as a Christmas tree is fine, as long as we don't "wake" it up. How you might ask? First, limit the total time in the home! One week is a firm maximum. The less the better. Second, keep the tree as cool as possible with the root system damp but not drenched in water. Consider putting it in a tub that you can add some ice to daily, thus keeping the tree cool and damp. Lastly, prepare the ground and area for planting in advance. Amend the soil with dark rich organic compost and generous handfuls of Bone Meal.  This plant will slowly root into unfrozen ground so don't leave it sit on the back deck to freeze solid. Lastly, this plant is slightly more vulnerable to wind burn so prepare a simple burlap wind break to prevent winter burn. Out on staff professionals would be glad to help further, give us a call. 

Greenhouse / Production Department
Greenhouse / Production Department


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